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An Essential set of AI Projects

Projects will be the most important aspect in a course, be it in a Data Science one or in Artificial Intelligence or any other, projects are the big thing. Because projects only will access the opportunity to students to experience the real activity that happens in the field, only through projects a student will have the glimpse of industrial processing which they will not get to have in theory classes. While I was searching for an essential set of AI projects I came across one that consists industry driven concepts and is according to the current trend of the field. Its diverse approach will help one to experience the application of AI in different industries. Know more shall we?

  1. Live face Identification system: We generally get to see face detection in updated smart phones, but other than there this system will be majorly helpful for the crime branch department. To identify the criminal among even a huge crowd in places like malls, airports or traffic signals, etc. It was a breakthrough when the face detection system happened to smart phones, the system is getting updated in everyday basis for more diverse usage. This particular project will not only talks about the present breakthrough of the contemporary but also talk of the future technology.
  2. IBM HR Analytics: In this modern age, industries or companies not only concerns about their manufacturing department or products, but also does for their employees requirements. Be it emotionally or financially, HR will be asked to keep good track of their employees needs and issues and will be help responsible for their well being at the work place. But employees usually hesitate to talk their mind out with higher authorities, which will further create problem in understanding their issue, but with the help of this system this problem will not anymore bother. This very system will power the HR's by keeping them informed about all their employee's performance status and a report of their overall performance statistics. This doesn't only talk about an employee's performance but also about his/her state of mind, of the graph of their emotional balance. This will help HR to easily track the issues of the employee and take action about it.
  3. E-commerce: E-commerce happens to be the initial face in the phase of today's technology-driven world, leading sites like Amazon, Flipkart and other e-commerce sites have been prompted in high data generation, through which, fields like Data Science runs. This project system will teach how the classification of products takes place in Amazon, based upon customer reviews. It explains about how using credentials the products will be distinguished, what type of products must be recommend and like such.
  4. Automotive: We all know that self-driving cars are the another biggest outbreak from the field of Artificial Intelligence, economically strong countries have already adapted automation. This particular project will talk everything about the workings of self-driving cars using convolution neural networking and computer vision that helps to identify lane lines on a road.
  5. Emotional Sensor using Machine LearningMental sickness rate has been unfortunately increased in the past decades, causing high rates of suicides and mental imbalance especially in teenagers and young adults. Technology is trying to help regarding this issue using Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Instagram has announced it will have emotional sensor in the near future which will identify a user's state of mind by evaluating their posts or the type of posts they are entertaining. By identifying even the slightest change in their tone that alarms of mental weakness. This project will work like the same, by identifying the variations in the user's data it will detect their emotional state. Such technologies will indeed matters like a major source of help for the humanity.
  6. Travel and Hospitality: Did you ever wonder about how the successful hotels will have everything ready at anytime and every time? Well the reason is they will get the report of possible accurate cases of visitors from different corners of the world, season and duration of the visit, venue preference by visitors and about their expectations and requirements. With such report the hotel management will be ready with the essentials for their expected type of customers. This projects explains about the very technology about how it works.

More projects like Walmart series (Retail industry), Supply Chain, Speech Emotion Detection and Sentiment Analysis also includes in the set.

If we observe keenly, each project belongs to a different field keeping the concepts diverse and every project represents the current and future expectant trends in technology. With this set of AI projects one can really understand the current technology, about how it is used in the industry.

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